14th Information Toolbox 2019

13 Sep 2019
9am - 12.30pm
Wood Quay Conference Centre, Dublin

In September 2019 Irish Theatre Institute will present Information Toolbox at Dublin Fringe Festival, in partnership with Culture Ireland.

Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) invites theatre, dance companies and independent artists who are presenting work at Dublin Fringe Festival 2019 to its annual networking event, INFORMATION TOOLBOX. Utilising the organisation’s established networks, built over almost three decades, ITI continues to work closely with Culture Ireland to identify key international programmers from target markets and locations, to invite to attend.

Information Toolbox creates an environment in which to pitch work to venues and festivals, funding agencies and resource organisations from across Ireland and internationally, allowing artists to kick-start a touring, presenting or co-producing dialogue.

For registered national and international presenters and programmers, included in the networking events is an exclusive DUETS showcase taking place in the afternoon of 13th September. This is a pilot DUETS artist support initiative for pairs of artists from Irish Theatre Institute together with our partners Dublin Fringe Festival and Fishamble:The New Play Company.

Included in presenter/programmer registration is access to the Things We Haven’t Made Yet pitching session on Saturday 14th September. In partnership with the Fringe and Culture Ireland, Things We Haven’t Made Yet which gives national and international presenters a insight to artists’ future projects. Places are limited and must be confirmed in advance.