What have we learned? Irish Theatre Institute invites you to attend a meeting on 31st October to discuss outcomes and feedback on the implementation of the Draft Code of Behaviour for Irish Theatre since its launch at the Speak Up & Call It Out event at Liberty Hall last March.
The meeting will hear from practitioners and companies who have piloted the Code in recent months – its effectiveness and implementation, its suitability and value. ITI wants to hear from you and to seek ratification from the sector for a formal adoption of the Code. Please join us in working collectively to stamp out Harrassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying in Irish theatre.
Outline of event:
Welcome and Introduction
A reminder of the Code of Behaviour under discussion presented by Irish Theatre Institute team and associated artists.
Code in Action
Feedback from the four theatre entities that undertook to pilot the Code of Behaviour: Rough Magic Theatre Company, My Son My Son Company, Solstice Arts Centre, Company SJ.
Take Action Early
How to make early interventions to stop inappropriate behaviour. HR experts from Abbey Theatre and Gate Theatre.
Adopting the Code of Behaviour
Call to theatre sector to formally adopt the Code.
Feedback and Next Steps
Discuss what practical actions should be taken now.
There will be opportunities to give feedback at various stage in the event.
ITI welcomes people with children to attend if their schedule allows. The event will be live streamed on the Irish Theatre Institute Facebook page.
Attendance at this event is by RSVP only. Please email info@irishtheatreinstitute.ie to express your interest in attending.
The Code of Behaviour is available at this link.
Supported by Dept. Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht.