35th ITI World Congress in Manaus, Brazil, 30 May - 4 June 2016

35th World Congress 2016 Travel Grants, provided by the Arts Council under its Travel & Training (Theatre) Awards and managed by Irish Theatre Institute, have been allocated. An open call with a set of criteria was issued and grants awarded on a first come, first served basis. The following practitioners will receive support to attend the Congress for networking and professional development purposes:

*PLEASE NOTE: due to changes in availability, some delegates cannot now travel. The award was offered to the next applicant on the list who successfully met the criteria.

  • Paul Fahy, Artistic Director, Galway International Arts Festival
  • Liadain Herriott, Dance Artist
  • Emma Jordan, Artistic Director, Prime Cut Productions
  • Maisie Lee, Director
  • Sophie Motley, Co-Artistic Director, WillFredd Theatre
  • Aine Stapleton, Dance Artist
  • Eláine Donnelly, representative of ITI, the Irish Centre of the International Theatre Institute

Each applicant will be required to complete a report form following their visit to the 35th World Congress, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The impressions of all successful practitioners will be reported back to the Arts Council.

The International Theatre Institute is an international non-governmental organisation, founded in 1948 to promote international exchange of knowledge and practice in theatre arts. The World Congress which takes place every 2/3 years is the largest gathering of all members of International Theatre Institute. The Congress brings together performing arts practitioners from all over the world where they can connect with others and initiate projects that advance a collective vision of a culturally diverse world, enabling creation, mutual understanding, respect and peace.

At the Congress delegates from Centres and Cooperating Members, guests and observers come from all over the world and from the hosting country to participate in a programme of activities featuring contributions from the host country as well as international delegates. The World Congress is an opportunity to experience the fruits of international collaboration projects of ITI Committees and ITI/UNESCO Chair.


Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) represents the National Centre of the International Theatre Institute, a role which requires the provision of certain services and facilities, many of which are already provided by ITI though its programme of activities. As a National Centre, ITI has an Advisory Panel in place to manage the activities of the centre and Ireland’s representation at the World Congress. In November 2014, Irish Theatre Institute participated in the 34th World Congress in Yerevan, Armenia. This application process was also open to members of the Advisory Panel.