Irish Theatre Institute call for applications for the Phelim Donlon Playwright’s Bursary & Residency 2019 in association with Tyrone Guthrie Centre Annaghmakerrig
Irish Theatre Institute and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre are delighted to announce the open call for the 4th Phelim Donlon Playwright’s Bursary & Residency. The Bursary and Residency provides a professional, produced playwright with the time, physical resources and mentoring necessary to support their writing of a new play. The award comprises the ITI writer’s bursary of €2,000 and a two weeks’ fully resourced residency in Annaghmakerrig to take place between January and June 2019. The previous recipients of the award are playwrights Amy Conroy (2018), Dylan Coburn Gray (2017) and Fiona Doyle (2016).
This award is named in honour of Phelim Donlon, former Drama Officer at the Arts Council and a dedicated member of the first Irish Theatre Institute PLAYOGRAPHYIreland Advisory Panel, in acknowledgement of his valued contribution to Irish theatre.
Application is open to playwrights resident in Ireland with a minimum one full-length play produced by an established professional production company, festival or independent producer. Writers who have previously submitted to this award, but were unsuccessful, are welcome to re-apply. Priority will be given to individual writers over writing collectives, writing teams or writing partnerships.
Applications are accepted by email only to info@irishtheatreinstitute.ie and must include:
1. A cover letter (maximum 1 A4 page) with:
· A statement of artistic intent as a writer and how receiving this award would help your practice;
· A concise outline of the project you propose to work on during your Annaghmakerrig residency. This must be a new idea and not a project that is already in train;
· Confirmation that you are available to undertake the two-week residency at Annaghmakerrig between January and June 2019.
2. A CV (maximum two A4 pages) highlighting your work in professional theatre and, in particular, your writing, credited productions and theatre-maker contributions.
3. A sample of your writing for theatre of no more than 20 A4 pages.
Note: Please submit single authored samples only unless submitting as more than one writer.
4. Evidence of your previously professionally produced play(s) e.g. programme, poster/flyer, reviews, video links, images and evidence of awards for your playwriting (if applicable). A maximum of 3 items will be accepted; larger files can be submitted via Dropbox or WeTransfer.
All relevant information and links should be submitted in one email application. Applications will be accepted at any time until the deadline at 12pm (noon), Tuesday 30th October 2018. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Applications will be acknowledged by email on receipt.
Selection Process:
All applications go to the selection committee comprising Jane Daly and/or Siobhán Bourke, Co-Directors Irish Theatre Institute; Dr. Pat Donlon and an external expert. The successful applicant will be notified during the week commencing 19th November.
The Bursary recipient will be announced at a celebration in Irish Theatre Institute, 17 Eustace Street, Dublin 2 during the week commencing Monday 10th December 2018.
Further details are available from Leigh Hussey, Programme Co-ordinator, lhussey@irishtheatreinstitute.ie.
General Data Protection Regulation
The purpose for processing your data is to process your application to the Phelim Donlon Playwright’s Bursary & Residency. This information you provide will be assessed by a panel made up of staff of Irish Theatre Institute and an external invited specialist. Your information will be retained for five years if you are granted a Bursary and for one year if your application is unsuccessful. If you do not furnish the personal data requested, ITI will not be able to process your application.
The Phelim Donlon Playwright’s Bursary & Residency is supported through the generosity of a private donor and funded by the Arts Council /An Chomhairle Ealaíon.