Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) welcomes applications from playwrights and theatre makers for participation in an 8 week Writing Workshop with playwright and director Javier Daulte.
The workshops will take place on Wednesday afternoons 28th July – 15th September 2021 (Zoom). Over eight sessions participants will engage in Javier’s dramaturgical methodology, including weekly readings of everyone’s work and feedback discussions as a group, working towards the first draft of a brand-new play. Each session is three hours long.
Who are the workshops for? Professional Theatre Makers and Playwrights who will actively engage in the weekly sessions.
To apply please provide the following –
1. A statement on “How you think these writing workshops will benefit you and your practice”? (50 words max);
2. CV (maximum two A4 pages) highlighting your writing/ theatre making and credited productions;
3. Confirmation that you are available to attend the eight workshops on Wednesdays from 2-5 pm in the period 28th July to 15th Sept. (Please note the sessions will be recorded for documentation purposes);
4. Contact details including mobile number.
These workshops are free of charge and kindly supported the Innovate Together Fund from Rethink Ireland.
Eligibility Requirements: Participants must be a practising professional playwright and/or theatre maker and must be available to participate in all eight sessions.
Selection Process: Applications will be assessed by ITI. Applications are accepted by open call to ensure fair selection and a diverse range of participants.
Deadline: Applications should be sent by email to Leigh Hussey, Programme Coordinator by Thursday 22nd July, 5pm.
All applications will be acknowledged by email. If you apply and do not receive an email, please contact us to ensure your application has reached us safely.
About Javier Daulte
Javier Daulte is a leading screenwriter, playwright and theatre director who is recognised by more than eighty awards nationally and internationally. He is renowned as a playwright for his treatment of gender, hyper and magic realism, and brilliant realistic dialogue. His dramatic comedies have transformed the theatre scene in Buenos Aires and Barcelona playing to packed houses for extended runs. Often directing his own work, his productions show his dynamic production style and unique approach to acting.
Javier teaches acting courses, seminars and playwriting in Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, Caracas, among other cities, and has participated in many different international festivals. He is an Educational Advisor at the School of Interpretation Eolia City of Barcelona, where his method for actors is called The Daulte Procedure.
Irish Theatre Institute is proudly funded by the Arts Council /An Chomhairle Ealaíon.