Irish Theatre Institute (ITI)’s prime in partnership with Age & Opportunity/Bealtaine offers actors aged 55 – 80 years + opportunities to engage in professional development programmes to build their skills, develop their ideas and grow their networks towards a continued successful career.
For prime 2018, ITI calls for Expressions Of Interest from theatre actors with a final draft of a script or a work in development or a piece of theatre “ready to tour” to participate in the prime Platform 2018 in Bewley’s Café Theatre, Wednesday 7th November. This is an opportunity for actors to pitch their new project or show an excerpt of work to an audience of invited artistic directors, programmers, agents, casting directors and funding organisations to ignite conversations and encourage discussion around presenting new work by primeactors in the future.
Selected artists will be offered a 10-minute platform in which to pitch their new/existing projects at the prime Platform 2018. Actors will be buddied with a mentor to work with them one-to-one on their pitch in advance of the event and will receive an honorarium for their involvement.
CRITERIA: To participate in prime 2018 eligible participants:
• must be a professional actor / theatre maker aged between 55 and 80 years +.
• must have a final draft of a script, or new idea/project in development, or a piece of theatre “ready to tour” which you can pitch/present at the event.
• must be available for the pitching and showcasing event (Wednesday 7th November) and for advance preparation meetings (late October dates TBC).
PROCESS: Send a completed Expression of Interest Form together with CV (no more than 2 pages) to info@irishtheatreinstitute.ie or by post to: prime, Irish Theatre Institute, 17 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. A shortlist will be compiled from the Expressions Of Interest from which 7 pieces will be selected for the prime Platform 2018.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: All Expressions Of Interest will be acknowledged by email/telephone. If you apply and do not receive an acknowledgment please contact us to ensure your application has reached us safely.
DEADLINE: Completed expressions of interest must be received no later than 12pm (noon), Monday 22nd October. For more information contact Irish Theatre Institute: (01) 6704906 / info@irishtheatreinstitute.ie.
Irish Theatre Institute is funded by The Arts Council.