L-R, Clockwise: Breffni Holohan, Clare Monnelly, Lee Coffey, Kate Heffernan, Karen Egan, Pom Boyd, Margaret McAuliffe and Caitríona Daly

Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) has today announced the artists who will join in the Six in the Attic scheme 2018/19. Six in the Attic is an Irish Theatre Institute resource-sharing initiative and a central element in ITI’s Artists Supports programme. Now in its eighth year Six in the Attic provides theatre artists with space, time and practical resources coupled with mentoring and advice services to facilitate them to explore, develop, create and present new work.

Facilitating artform development and supporting the independent artist is at the core of this scheme. To promote this ITI will schedule formal and informal Six in the Attic meetings and professional development workshops for the participants to provide a forum for information exchange and learning, and foster a sense of community for theatre practitioners who up to this point in their careers have often found themselves working in isolation for long periods at a time.

Six in the Attic is designed to provide each participant with a bespoke offer of access to a range of administrative resources as well as the wealth of ITI in-house expertise to help them engage, explore, develop, debate and collaborate on their projects. Six in the Attic encourages participants to realise their artistic ambition, enhance their professional skills and facilitates them in fulfilling their artistic goals.

ITI is delighted to annouce the Six in the Attic 2017/2018 artists are: 

Pom Boyd
Lee Coffey
Caitríona Daly
Karen Egan
Kate Heffernan
Breffni Holohan  
Margaret McAuliffe
Clare Monnelly

For information about the programme and biographies of the participants please see the Artists section of the website.