ITI offers Board Training for Theatre Artists and Arts Workers

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Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) welcomes expressions of interest from theatre artists and arts workers for participation in a 2-day training for people who want to learn more about being on a Board. The training is provided by Boardmatch. This is part of ITI’s work in upskilling freelance theatre workers to feel more confident in taking up board positions.

Training Details

When: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th November 2022 (10am until 2pm)
Where: On Zoom
Please note, you must be available to attend on both days.

What is Board Training?

This training provides a comprehensive overview of the role and responsibilities of not-for-profit board trustees/directors. It is tailored towards prospective, new, and existing board trustees/directors looking to strengthen their role on the Board.

The training covers:

  • Roles and responsibilities of charity trustees/board directors under company law and charity law
  • Board meetings and board papers
  • Reviewing the board and board relationships
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Governance and management
  • The Charities Governance Code

Is this training for me?

If you work in theatre and are interested in joining a board or learning about the functions of a board- this is for YOU! This training is for freelancers, and we will not consider applications from people in full-time positions in organisations. We are particularly interested in hearing from individuals from underrepresented communities.

Expressions of Interest

  • Expressions of interest are accepted through the Expression of Interest Form. You will receive an automated email from Google Forms upon filling it in. We will be in touch following the deadline to confirm your place. Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
  • There are 14 spaces available to the theatre sector. ITI will directly offer 6 places to underrepresented artists and arts workers.
  • This training is available free of charge through funding from the Arts Council.

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: Thursday 27th October 2022


About Boardmatch

Boardmatch Ireland was established in 2005 to address the skills needs of the governing bodies of not-for-profit organisations.

Boardmatch Ireland is a national governance charity, supporting the development of the community and voluntary sector (the Not-For-Profit sector) by strengthening boards and management committees, primarily through:

  • Matching of candidates from not-for-profit and public sectors onto not-for-profit boards
  • Building the governance capacity of Not-For-Profit boards
  • Enhancing leadership quality and skills sets on Not-For-Profit boards
  • Developing and providing training packages and other supports for boards and board members
  • Fostering links between public, private and not for profit sectors.


About Irish Theatre Institute

Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) is a resource organisation for the professional Irish theatre sector. We nurture, promote and drive the ambition of Irish theatre and Irish theatre artists from grassroot beginnings to presentation on the world stage. ITI supports theatre artists at all stages of their profession to make work and develop sustainable careers. We work with actors, makers, writers, directors, designers, producers and company managers. For more information explore the rest of our website.

Irish Theatre Institute is strategically funded by the Arts Council /An Chomhairle Ealaíon and this training is funded through their Capacity Building Scheme.