Join Irish Theatre Institute’s Board of Directors

Do you want to help shape the future of Irish Theatre Institute?
Join our Board: Application Information 2024

To access an Easy to Read version of the Application Information –
Join our Board: Application Information 2024 Easy to Read version

To access the application form –
Irish Theatre Institute Board Application Form

Irish Theatre Institute Board of Directors Member. 

6 meetings per year including AGM.  There are also ad hoc engagements and meetings with Irish Theatre Institute to contribute to specific areas of interest and knowledge. 

Responsible to:      
The Board of Directors. 

Who are we? 
Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) is an all-island resource organisation for theatre. Our strategic intent is to maximise creative opportunities and resources for theatre artists by building content, capacity and interest at home and abroad. Guardians of the tradition as well as a catalyst for change, ITI works collaboratively to shape our future. ITI is committed to keeping theatre alive and thriving, as relevant and exciting today as it ever was. 

Who are we looking for?
Do you want to help shape the future of Irish Theatre Institute and the supports we offer? 

We are looking for artists and individuals who are committed to theatre and culture across the island of Ireland. People who have the capacity to support our team to deliver a diverse programme of initiatives. Individuals who put artists and communities at the centre of work.  

As a Board member, you will play a vital role in guiding and advancing the vision and mission of Irish Theatre Institute. 

Irish Theatre Institute are looking to fill four places over the coming six to eight months and welcomes applications from people with the following skills and/or working in the following areas: 

  • artists 
  • arts policy 
  • finance  
  • and governance

Equal opportunities 
Irish Theatre Institute welcomes applications from everyone but would like to encourage applications by people from a diversity of national, ethnic or cultural groups, including but not limited to, Asian, Black, Traveller, refugees, people with disabilities, working-class and LGBTQIA+ people.  

This applies whether in relation to terms of positions on our Board, to employment, conditions of service or opportunities for professional development and training.  

Access support 
Access support is available for all applications, including alternative formats and tailored assistance. If you’d prefer to meet one of our team to talk through these guidelines or would like to submit your application in another format (like video) please contact us on email:  

Access support for the applicationprocess
If you need an access worker to help with your application, you should nominate someone.  You can request this support by emailing

Please send an outline of your access needs and quote to email: 

We will then review and agree a fee for delivery. The access support worker / personal assistant should submit their invoice to email: 

Once we have received your application and have confirmed with you the relevant support has been carried out, we will authorise payment. 

We can pay for support such as:  

  • Note taking support to help an applicant with a disability in a meeting with us, or to complete the application form.
  • Irish Sign Language (ISL) interpretation support for deaf applicants in a one-to-one meeting and translation as needed. 
  • Personal assistants for anyone who requires help (in areas including mental health, visually impaired etc.)

Access support for Board Members (and employees) 
If you are appointed to the Board, we will complete an access requirement audit as part of the induction process to identify and make a plan to meet your needs. 

How to Apply?

  • Complete the Irish Theatre Institute Board Application Form  (click to access: you will be brought to a short Jotform application form).
  • Attach your CV or Biography (a statement outlining your arts practice or roles, responsibilities and achievements).
  • A brief statement outlining your relevant experience, and how you can contribute to Irish Theatre Institute’s mission.
  • If relevant, please include details of any service as a Board Director, Trustee or any other voluntary/community work, but please note that no previous experience as a Board Director or Trustee is required. 

We are happy to accept video applications of no longer than 5 minutes stating the relevant information outlined above.  Please use and email us a link to your video application. Here is how to use  

Applications should be submitted by 12 noon, Tuesday 5 March by email to: