Following last year’s launch of Stage & Screen Design Ireland – a portfolio spanning designs from 2007-2014, we are now looking for professional designers and production companies working in film, television, theatre, dance and opera to nominate the best design work in those areas from 2015.
Designs can be submitted by production companies or the designers themselves – if possible, by both collaborating together. You are asked to fill in a short online form for each production that you want to submit, with the option of highlighting specific designers. Then you can submit digital production photos that feature the design, photos of specific design elements, scans of original design drawings, designer biographies, artist statements, links to online video clips and/or sound clips.
As long as the submitted documentary material is of a sufficiently high quality, ITI will create an online entry on, which will also link to company’s and/or designers’ personal websites.
Window for submissions is open from 1st July – 1st August 2016