Update on No. 17 due to COVID-19

In response to public health recommendations relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Irish Theatre Institute (ITI) has temporarily closed its offices at No. 17 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. We are reviewing the situation on an ongoing basis.

The ITI Team continues to work remotely throughout this time and is currently looking at ways to provide our suite of artist supports through online platforms. The organisation continues to provide information, advice and resources to the sector through online Information Clinics and our websites: PLAYOGRAPHYIreland and IRISHTHEATRE.ie.To contact any of the team directly please find emails their emails here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact info@irishtheatreinstitute.ie which will be monitored during office hours.

Follow ITI’s social media channels for updated information.

Twitter: IrishTheatreIns
Facebook: IrishTheatreInstitute
Instagram: irish_theatre_institute